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About Us

ANFC Church is a vibrant, warm, welcoming, dynamic multicultural family orientated community, located in the heart of the City of Derby.

We love God and we love people, and therefore are here to serve in a capacity rooted and grounded in love.  Working for the lives of people to be impacted and changed inspiring them to reach their full potential. 

We want to bring to life the Great Commission which is to Love, Liberate, Lead and Launch!

We encourage members of our church to participate in the various aspects of our services that are available to them and utilize their talents to support growth in them and in the church  community. 


What we believe:

The Bible is the infallible and authoritative Word of God

The Co-existent Triune God consists of the Father, the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. 

God the Father is the sustainer of all things.

God the Son (Jesus) was supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary and perfect.  He was the vicarious sacrifice for the sin of all mankind through his death on the cross.  He arose from the dead in His own glorified body, appeared to many, ascended into Heaven and will return to earth in power and glory.  He is now the Head of his body, the church.

God the Holy Spirit sent by Jesus, empowers the believer in the supernatural to demonstrate and manifests the gifts of God through the believer.

Man was created in the image and likeness of God. 

Water Baptism is the outward act of an inward work.